BookDigits – BookDigits uses themes and special metrics to rate books in order to help you find your next favorite book.
BookSpot – BookSpot is a free resource center that simplifies the search for the best book-related content on the Web. Check out “What to Read” and “Genre Corner.”
Caldecott Medal – Awarded to the artist of the most distinguished American picture book for children.
Fantastic Fiction – Fantastic Fiction is an online catalog of authors and books for those of us who love to read fiction.
Goodreads – Goodreads website for readers and book recommendations-readers can track the books they’re reading, have read, and want to read.
Juvenile Series and Sequels – The Juvenile Series and Sequels database contains over 36,000 books in 4,900 series titles that are classified into three audiences:
LibraryThing – LibraryThing is an online service to help people catalog their books easily. You can access your catalog from anywhere—even on your mobile phone. Because everyone catalogs together, LibraryThing also connects people with the same books, comes up with suggestions for what to read next, and so forth.
Modern Library 100 Best – Modern Library’s list of the 100 Best Novels in the 20th century.
Mystery Readers Journal – Mystery Readers International is the largest mystery fan/reader organization in the world, is open to all readers, fans, critics, editors, publishers, and writers. Started by Janet A. Rudolph in Berkeley, California, it now has members in all 50 of the United States and 18 foreign countries.
Newbery Medal – Awarded to the author of the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children.
New York Times Bestseller List – Authoritatively ranked lists of books sold in the United States, sorted by format and genre.
Nutmeg Book Award – Encourages children in grades 4-8 to read quality literature and to choose their favorite from a list of ten nominated titles.
Pulitzer Prize – Honoring excellence in journalism and the arts since 1917.
Stop, You’re Killing Me! – Stop, You’re Killing Me! is a resource for lovers of mystery, crime, thriller, spy, and suspense books. They list over 5,500 authors, with chronological lists of their books (over 66,000 titles), both series (nearly 6,600) and non-series.
What’s Next – What’s Next®: Books in Series database
helps you search series fiction. A series is two or more books linked by character(s), settings, or other common traits.
Whichbook – A reader controlled database that gives suggestions based on options such as mood, emotion, location, character, or plot.