Special programs for children take place at the Norfolk Library year round. Please visit Virtual Programs and In-House Events for a list of all special library programming, including Children & Teens.
Corner Club events during the school year can be found here. Children ages 5-12 are invited to participate.
Children may take a bus from Botelle Elementary and they must be picked up by 5:00pm. Paper registration forms are available at the Library and will also be passed out at Botelle. Registration forms must be received by Miss Eileen, the Children’s Librarian, before a child can attend. These programs are on the same schedule as Botelle, so there is no Corner Club if there is no school. Please feel free to contact Eileen Fitzgibbons with any questions at efitzgibbons@biblio.org.
During the school year, children in 1st and 2nd grades are invited to come to the Norfolk Library for the Merrymakers storytime, Mondays, 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. Children may join at any time. The storytime will be filled with stories, movement, crafts, and a pop-in guest every so often.
Registration for Merrymakers is required. Forms are available at the Library and will also be passed out at Botelle. Forms must be received by Miss Eileen, the Children’s Librarian, before a child can attend. These programs are on the same schedule as Botelle, so there is no storytime if there is no school. Please feel free to contact Eileen Fitzgibbons with any questions at efitzgibbons@biblio.org.
The Page-turners meet after reading a book the group has selected. Often the meeting is themed around the book, such as this get-together eating Chinese food and discussing Ghost. Stay tuned for updates on Page-turners!
Enjoy songs, stories, and playful movements with Miss Eileen. Wee Ones is a wonderful opportunity to connect with parents and other children in the community for support and friendship. Call the Library for more information (860-542-5075).