It’s the time of year for college applications. We have a few tools that can help you:

  • The Fiske Guide to Colleges 2024 contains about 300 colleges and describes academics, housing, financial aid, and basic statistics. The guide lists what colleges are similar to each other and the application information for each college.
  • A Hotspot can help maintain a good internet connection while you are filling out the common application or the FASFA form. A Hotspot can help when you have good cell phone service but not great internet service.
  • Our multi-page scanner makes quick work of scanning forms to digitally submit to the colleges.  

Additional resources:

  • Kahn Academy is a nonprofit with the mission to provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. They offer courses that can help you navigate the college application process and specific courses for subjects at the college-level.
  • EBSCO is the leading provider of research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, and ebooks. You can access the research database by logging in with your Norfolk Library Card number.